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Who we are.

We take branded viral videos — what we like to call spreadable content — to new heights and lengths. We create long-form, short-form, and experiential. We can also put on ties, and do consulting to make your message viral — or in our more palatable lingo, spreadable. Jelly builds on the success of our previous agency, Thinkmodo, selected by Advertising Age as one of the “Top Fifty” creative agencies of 2013, featured in Inc. Magazine’s “Top 25 Most Audacious Companies Changing The World” in 2014, chosen for Adweek’s “Creative 100” in 2015, and AdWeek’s Top Brand Content in 2017. James has been a regular on the Today Show, and featured in hundreds of profiles.

Who Thinks Up This Stuff?

James Percelay has a passion for creating commercial concepts so cool that people want to share them. James miraculously survived a childhood experimenting with electricity, fire, and building machines in his Pawtucket, R.I. basement. Decades later, he would leverage this interest by working on the often prop-centric commercial parodies at SNL. James pioneered the business model of creating newsworthy digital content to generate earned media promoting movies, TV series, and brands.

Founder’s Micro Bio.

James Percelay is a best-selling humor author, has been a regular on the Today Show, is a member of the WGA and PGA, and a former producer at SNL of the commercial parodies. He’s currently a Visiting Technologist at the Liberty Science Center.

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